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We all do it - whether it's your first snog behind the bike-sheds, a lipstick-smeared peck on the cheek from Aunty Mabel or footballers celebrating a goal - but what does it mean?
According to academics gathering in London this weekend, the kiss is a "capacious carrier of much social, political and cultural freight", the significance of which will be debated in a one-day conference at Royal Holloway College, University of London.
But many would argue it's just human nature..
comment 1:
KIssing is a way to let the other person know how much you care about him or how much you like/ love him. It is the best expression of love. Prashant, India
comment 2:
When you kiss the one you love, it can only be described as pure bliss. Sonia, UK
comment 3:
Kissing is breathing in another human being when it's done right. Living life, kissing and making love become magic - a feeling of pure release in freedom from self in dissolving into another, into life without defence. Dan Dempster, Bermuda
comment 4:
The occasional kiss on the lips from that someone special, just reminding you that they are there, and always will be, can mean so much more than words. Lucie, England
comment 5:
There seems to be two main categories of kissing; the kiss of life and the kiss that gives life. Any intermediates are also equally important in their own regards. There should be no discrimination between why one should kiss or with whom. In all cases, a kiss is an extreme sign of expression, which should be valued and respected. Mark deBower
BBC NEWS / Talking Point
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